速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Uman

GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Uman



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GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Umang Services(圖1)-速報App

Goods and Services Tax is a destination-based consumption tax on supply of goods and services, set to be implemented in India.

GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Umang Services(圖2)-速報App

Content updated with GST Act as passed by both houses of Parliament and GST rules and GST Rates with HSN & SAC codes as approved by the GST Council through the GST Rate finder feature.

GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Umang Services(圖3)-速報App

GST- Goods & Services Tax, levied both on Goods and Services.

GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Umang Services(圖4)-速報App

HSN- Harmonized System of Nomenclature, which is internationally accepted product coding system used to maintain uniformity in classification of goods under the GST regime.

GST Rate Finder-Tax Rate of Goods & Umang Services(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad